Route Map

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Needles and nerves

Considering I have been injected with hepatitus, yellow fever and rabies, thrown away almost everything I own and spent a week laying floorboards in the loft in an attempt to store my few remaining posessions, considering all of this I'm pretty upbeat. My ankle is healing reasonably well and I am hoping to be able to trek in Nepal, as Alex will struggle to carry me as well as our backpacks at high altitude.

We hope that everyone has a great next twelve months though we feel that in general ours will be better. We also hope that reading stories of our journeys, misfortunes and mind-opening experiences will in some way make up for the increasing hours of darkness that you have to look forward to over the forthcoming months.

In all honesty we do not know where this blog will go, what we will be doing from week to week and how often we will be able to update it, in fact we are only sure of one thing, that it is really great to keep in touch with everyone who we are lucky enough to call our friends and we would love to hear from as many of you as possible.

Cheers, Andy