Hello everyone. Firstly, apologies for not updating our blog sooner, we have been doing better things; however, as I sit in Sydney airport uncomfortably preparing for a night of bad sleep on what appears to be national fire alarm testing night, I can safely say, now is a good time to write a blog entry.
We left you at the end of our Cambodia leg and at the start of our trip to Laos. Many people had raved about Laos and we were also really excited by it. To keep it short, it is the only country we have visited where we felt unwelcome and as such is the only place where we had a largely negative experience. We did have two highlights, a fresh lemongrass sauna in Luang Prabang, and the dirty, horribly bintang-esque activity of tubing down the Vang Vieng river, getting pulled into bars on ropes to drink vodka redbull buckets then zip wiring and sliding into the river on beautifully un-health and safety checked rides. A top day out! (But did we feel our age the next day. Also Alex was mortified to be the only woman on the river wearing a sensible swimming costume). We have no photos but type ‘Vang Vieng tubing’ into Youtube to see what we mean, it’s worth seeing. We also had an interesting experience involving a 20k walk with full kit in 35 degree heat down a motorway passing a man in a full spacesuit, a Minnie Mouse hat, a duck rucksack and Michal Jackson gloves (we didn’t stop to chat, but he still ran after us).
We crossed Laos via the land border to Northern Thailand and immediately felt the atmosphere become much more relaxed and friendly. I forgot to mention that on one of our final days in Northern Laos, Alex and I simultaneously hit what we can only describe as the travelling equivalent of ‘the wall’. We were staying in a sweet little bamboo hut which was serene and pretty by day yet shockingly freezing by night. We woke up one morning both shivering and unable to move. It was almost the 100th room we’d stayed in over the last four months and we were both exhausted. Luckily our hosts were absolutely lovely and were happy for us to sit and read in the garden all day. They took Alex into town to get water and supplies and fed us a delicious Thai green curry to aid our recovery. The reason I say this is that we then made a conscious decision to have a little luxury in Thailand. Don’t get me wrong, we were still in a bamboo hut and had a mattress on the floor but this one also had a 25 metre pool. Job done! We stayed for five days in a university town just outside Chang Rai. The street food was superb, and the night market and food hall were also immense. We were reluctant to leave, but with just fifteen days on our visa (land crossing rules) we had to move on. We took a winding, sick inducing, five hour bus ride to Pai in the far north. Pai was a really relaxing, chilled out place and we were again fortunate to stay in a first rate guesthouse complete with pool and lovely English hosts who would sit and drink with us to while the night away. They even taught us how to ride motorbikes in their garden and then on the road. Again, we were reluctant to leave but the fifteen days were going too quickly. We just had time to spend two nights in Chang Mai before we had to leave Thailand.
At this stage we had no ongoing flight and even less of an idea of where to go. Our initial thought was fly to Burma, stay 5 days then fly back to Thailand for some beach time and a free 30 day Thai visa on air entry, but the red tape and the restrictions on where we could travel within Burma put us off. Where could we go where we did not need to pay for a visa, where flights were dirt cheap and where we would have the most options? So back to Kuala Lumpur we went.
We intended to go to the Perhentian Islands or perhaps Langkawi (both in Malaysia), but yet again the weather got in our way, so where could we go for a couple of weeks to kill a bit of time? Is the cricket world cup in Sri Lanka? Oh yes, so it is. Within 24 hours, after watching the King’s Sp..spp..sppeech, eating a mountain of cheap sushi and staying in a cramped hostel room next to a working lady boy with big feet and very loud flip-flops, we arrived in Sri Lanka.
Never had we met so many kind, interesting and wonderful people as in this amazing country. On ridiculously crowded public buses we were looked after by everyone, told where to go, how to get there, how much to pay and even had people give their seats up for us, though at my stage in life, I was not sure whether I was being mistaken for the elderly, disabled or pregnant lady. We arrived at our guesthouse in Indaruwa, which although noisy from the traffic was a picture with a small pool, leading onto the beach and then the sea (the best sea we have ever had the fortune to swim in). We spent our time eating fresh fruit and fish, watching cricket, drinking Lion beer and Arrack and recovering from drinking Arrack. Sri Lanka was the easiest country to travel in so far as the public transport was dirt cheap and far better than the U.K. and people would chat to you and invite you back to their homes. Some of our favourite memories of Sri Lanka evolved from this.
The best buses in the world. Notice the plaque above the window - it represented both the Hindu gods Shiva, Ganesh and Vishnu, Buddha and Christ. When we asked a local why the religious deities were all mixed up, we got an answer to the effect of 'It's all God, innit?'
We decided to travel the west and south coasts by bus and finally settled in a place called Tangalle. With nowhere to stay, we did the unheard of, we asked a tuk-tuk driver. He took us to place where the cricket world cup sound and lights crew had stayed the previous week. However, it was now totally empty. The manager showed us our potential room with a view to die for (it was actually the view shown on the ‘welcome to Sri Lanka’ ad posters), both pools and the hotel’s 200 metre waterslide, which he said we could use whenever we wished. After looking around we sure of two things: firstly it was the most incredible place we’d ever seen, secondly there was no way on God’s sweet Earth we would be able to afford it. When we told the manager our budget he briefly went whiter than us, then, incredibly, made a huge compromise and in addition offered to halve the cost of the bar and restaurant menus also. Amazingly it just fell within our budget and we were transported from a world of shared showers and toilets, renting bed linen, making our own bed, using our own towels and noisy flip-flop clad lady boy sharing (that doesn’t sound right), to a new world with three course breakfasts and fresh flowers on our bed.
Luckily, the ridiculousness that is health and safety could not have been further away, as we had the run of the waterslide. The guy operating it used the following phrases which I love him for: ‘wear these, you’ll go faster’, ‘try going down head first’, ‘very good, now on your back and head first’ and ‘see if you can catch her up’. It’s a better world.
Us on Marissa beach, surfers paradise with 7 metre waves
Though the hotel had their own taxi service, we felt we owed it to our tuk tuk driver Ruwan to keep in contact and we began to form a friendship. One night Ruwan took us to his house to meet his family and show us their wedding album. His wife then invited us for dinner the following night where the extended family were also in attendance and we were treated like royalty. We brought them our wedding album and we all learned about each other’s cultures and traditions. They too were surprised that a grown man was able to fall asleep head first in a urinal (Bonzo, our friend and wedding photographer).
Andy with Ruwan and the family at their house in Tangalle
Alex with Ruwan's niece
Our friend Lou, a mate of Alex’s from their OTC days, was originally going to meet us in Thailand but we had no intention of going back by this stage as we wanted to spend as much time as we could in Sri Lanka. Fortunately she had not booked her ticket and was able to fly to Sri Lanka instead. We both really like Lou and had a really great few days relaxing by the beach. We then tried to cram a little too much into her week, taking a train to Kandy and then what was to be our least favourite place in Sri Lanka, Nuwara Eliya, where it was cold and miserable, and not even a good buffet could hide its dullness, sorry it was not all fun and games Lou, hope we can meet for drinks upon our return (our round). The day after Lou’s departure we stumbled upon the part of Sri Lanka that Lou would have loved, sod’s law!
News headline: Mini bus crashes in Sri Lanka, 150 dead!
Cup 'o'tea anyone? Our visit to a tea plantation (and Andy proves he hasn't contracted syphilis by crooking his little finger).
Standing room only, the best way to travel
Alex checking our train time at Kandy Station
Just before we left Sri Lanka, we had time to watch Pakistan smash Australia in the world cup, a solid end to any trip in my opinion. The crowd (including us) was mad throughout, the Sri Lankan contingent took their time to learn the Mexican wave, but my god, when they had, they wouldn't stop for love nor money and the sight of inflatable Kangaroos being hijacked and dressed in Pakistani flags was hilarious.
A friendly message for the Aussies
Our Sri Lankan visa was due to expire and we had a week before we had to leave for Sydney, so we decided to spend the week in Bangkok. Many people hate it, we loved it. Bangkok is not all about lady boys and prostitutes, the food is great too. As blasé as that sounds, there is some truth in it. If you stay away from the backpacker crowd there are some amazing places to see and things to do. The reclining gold Buddha was mind blowing, the views across the river were spectacular and the culture among the people of Bangkok was refreshingly non-western.
The reclining Buddha
Bangkok felt more like an eastern city than anywhere else we’d been and it did not adapt for tourists, which was great. Also, the food was better than anything we have ever tasted. Oysters the size of fists, street-made pad thai that was first rate, bbq chicken, squid, fish cakes and fresh fruit all sold from street vendors and all a different league of quality compared to what we are used to, the place is food heaven.
Seafood restaurant, Chinatown

The worlds greatest oysters (Chinatown Bangkok)

We decided not to go to a ping pong show as we’d heard it was quite sad and demeaning, so instead we went to a strip joint in a place called Soi Cowboy. On the plus side the drinks were cheap but it was sad to see all the semi naked, numbered girls being paraded in front of five or six ugly western men, unless you were one of the five or six western men, in which case it was Christmas. We also visited a snake farm, had many massages and explored the city. All in all, we loved Bangkok.

Bangkok snake show

Monks purchasing holy amulets in Bangkok
Our next stop was Australia. On arrival we were shocked by how expensive it was, food cost twice what it does at home and it hit especially hard as our last delicious crab and rice lunch in Bangkok had cost £2 for the two of us (including drinks). Then our mood changed. If someone were to ask what made our time in Australia the amazing experience it was, the answer would be easy: my step uncle, Paul and his wife Rosemary. They met us at the airport in Brisbane, took us to their lovely, tardis-like house on Bribie Island and pulled out all the stops to make sure we had the most amazing time. On our first day we climbed a large mass of hardened lava (just), then we visited a ginger factory and went on the most beautifully Alan Partridge-esque tour I’ve ever seen. Chairman I wish you were there to share it, I knew it was going to be interesting when the lady in charge told us how important the health and safety rules were due to the immense danger that occurs in ginger production. Over the course of the next week we went with Paul and Rosemary to some great beaches, did a bit of surfing in the waves, played some bad golf, fed kangaroos, cuddled Koalas and saw a duckbilled platypus.

Andy does his best Bono impression, complete with Guiness umbrella. The kangaroos weren't convinced, though.

We were also treated to a delicious bbq and I met some new relatives that I never knew I had, they were all really good people too, and I look forward to seeing Suzie, David, Daniel and Annalise when they visit London. I also met Tooheys beer and I must say we got on particularly well. Rosemary’s cooking was awesome, and Paul can cook a pretty mean steak too. Their kindness, thoughtfulness, generosity and good company made our trip to Australia so enjoyable. Thanks so much.
We are now headed for New Zealand and intend to travel round both islands in a car or campervan. We’ll keep you updated and hope everyone at home is well. P.S. thanks for all the lovely emails, it is always good to hear from people when we are so far from home.